Don’t Give the Virus a Chance

On July 3, a press conference on the COVID-19 epidemic was held in Beijing, during which a woman who had written a novel Coronavirus nucleic acid “positive” was reported in The Shijingshan Wanda Plaza on July 2.
According to the report, the 24-year-old woman had a history of contact with xinfa, had two negative nucleic acid tests, and was quarantined at home, during which she repeatedly damaged the magnetic door alarm and went out.
Again accept nucleic acid test, the result is positive, for asymptomatic infection.
By 14:00 on that day, 204 close contacts had been traced and placed under quarantine for medical observation, while other contacts were under further investigation and verification.

The sight of the woman squatting and crying when she learned of the nucleic acid test results triggered a lot of sympathy.
Can see the announcement in the woman “many times destroy the door magnetic alarm go out” when the plot, and let a lot of people mixed: so capricious careless, really should not.
This is not only bad for individuals, but also irresponsible for others.
At this time, we still have to fully realize that the virus cunning, more should always remain vigilant, do not give the virus any opportunity.

Although The number of newly confirmed local cases has been in the single digits for five consecutive days in Beijing, and the number of cured and discharged cases is also on the rise, this does not mean that the pressure of prevention and control in Beijing will be reduced.
In the face of the severe situation, only by strictly implementing epidemic prevention measures can we keep ahead of the epidemic.
For individual citizens, it means to do a good job of protection, isolate and seek medical treatment as required, and jointly build a line of defense against the epidemic.
Key personnel, in particular, should strictly abide by the reporting and quarantine rules and close the loopholes in epidemic prevention and control at their own level.

The confirmed woman has a history of exposure to new places, has had multiple nucleic acid tests, and has developed symptoms of discomfort, showing certain signs of risk.
At this time, what she needs to do is to strictly comply with the requirements of community epidemic prevention, do a good job of personal closed-loop management, and try not to go out when it is not necessary. She does have a need for medical treatment and must follow relevant procedures.
However, she repeatedly broke the door magnetic alarm, went out illegally without permission, and appeared in a large shopping mall only a few days after the release of home quarantine management without the results of the nucleic acid test, which put herself and others at risk.

What is more alarming is that this is not an isolated case.
In one case reported on July 1, a woman gathered and had dinner with several friends after she thought she had lived in isolation for 14 days. The result was positive nucleic acid test on June 30, which led to the isolation of close contacts and affected the prevention and control of the epidemic.
Moreover, during the period of self-isolation, the case had developed symptoms such as headache, vomiting and hypoolemia, but she did not report or seek medical treatment, which not only delayed her own treatment, but also magnified the risk of virus transmission.

In fact, the coVID-19 virus is far more subtle than we thought, and it is still possible to be diagnosed even if the requirement for isolation exceeds 14 days is met.
According to the circular, among the four confirmed cases in Beijing on June 26, solstice and 29, many of them were diagnosed more than 14 days after being quarantined, with a total of 28 cases.
This means that the idea that you can go out to parties and dinners after 14 days of isolation is dangerous. What you should do is continue to strengthen observation and avoid contact with people until the risk is completely resolved.

The pathogenesis of COVID-19 virus is complex, the characteristics of the disease need to be further studied, and the symptoms are diverse and atypical. There are still many unknown areas.
But because of this, the more can not be taken lightly, no matter ordinary people, or the key population, should do a good job of personal protection, pay attention to the health status, once the emergence of symptoms of discomfort should be fully protected timely medical treatment, not the slightest negligence.

The prevention and control of the epidemic requires a well-coordinated approach of mass prevention and control, and no link should be compromised.
Everyone is to blame, everyone is to blame.
As an important part of the four-way responsibility, individual responsibility requires every citizen to take the initiative, act actively, stick to the bottom line thinking, and fight a people’s war against the epidemic.
This includes both strict and meticulous self-protection and strict compliance with quarantine and treatment regulations.
In any case, we should not use our contempt and carelessness to affect the hard-won epidemic prevention and control situation.

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