Does more vitamin c improve immunity ?


Vitamin C is helpful in boosting immunity, and the more you take, the better.


Although vitamin C supplementation is helpful to improve immunity, it is not always better to take more supplements. Studies have shown that 200 mg of vitamin C per day is very safe and can prevent non-communicable chronic diseases.

Although long-term intake of 1000 mg/day of vitamin C has not been found adverse effects, but there are studies found that when vitamin C intake of more than 2000 mg/day can cause osmotic diarrhea, more than 3000 mg/day will appear diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, but also increase the risk of kidney stones.

Therefore, taking too much vitamin C can cause harm to the body, and the maximum tolerable intake of the human body is 2000 mg per day. For us, there is no need to supplement vitamin C too much, eat enough of the recommended amount of 100 mg/day.

Synthetic vitamin C

Can replace natural vitamin C?


Synthetic vitamin C can replace natural vitamin C.


Natural vitamin C is a naturally occurring vitamin C component in food, and synthetic vitamin C is a vitamin C artificially prepared by chemical synthesis and other methods. The structure of these two types of vitamin C is exactly the same, and the source is ascorbic acid, so from the point of view of supplementing vitamin C, either of the two can be chosen.

But the difference is that natural foods not only contain vitamin C, but also contain bioactive substances, such as carotenoids, alkaloids, anthocyanins, sulfur compounds, and vitamin E. These bioactive substances not only have the ability of anti-oxidation and scavenging free radicals themselves, but also can cooperate with vitamin C to enhance the biological activity of vitamin C. For example, anthocyanins can prevent vitamin C oxidation, protect vitamin C, the synergistic effect of the two, DPPH free radical clearance rate is more than twice the use of vitamin C alone; Vitamin E also works synergistically with vitamin C to boost antioxidant capacity.

Therefore, compared with synthetic vitamin C, relying on food to supplement natural vitamin C can also antioxidant and remove free radicals, can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but also has anti-inflammatory effect, improve the absorption rate and bioavailability of vitamin C, and better improve immunity. Synthetic vitamin C cannot completely replace natural vitamin C.

Do fruits contain more vitamin C than vegetables?


Fruits contain more vitamin C than vegetables.


When it comes to foods containing vitamin C, some of the public’s first thoughts are fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries and kiwis. So the vitamin content of fruit must be more than vegetables? In fact, the vitamin C content of vegetables is the same as that of fruits, and there are high and low points, and some vegetables have more vitamin C content than fruits.

Vegetables —

Bell pepper, color pepper: they are rich in vitamin C, of which the vitamin C content of bell pepper and color pepper is as high as 130 mg /100 grams, 104 mg /100 grams, that is to say, as long as eating 100 grams of bell pepper or color pepper can meet the vitamin C needs of an ordinary adult 130% and 104%. And both of these can be eaten raw, sweet taste, better nutrition retention, to avoid the loss of vitamin C in the cooking process.

Chinese cabbage: The vitamin C content of Chinese cabbage is still good in green leafy vegetables, 64 mg /100 grams, try to choose low temperature cooking, such as quick fire stir-fry, small cabbage soup, or boiling water blanch directly cold, so as to retain more vitamin C.

Kale: This vegetable is nice to look at, mostly found in flower beds, and has a vitamin C content of 63 mg /100 g. It is also rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is good for eye health.

Cherry Tomatoes: Its vitamin C content is 33 mg /100 grams, 2.4 times that of large tomatoes, eating about 15 cherry tomatoes can almost meet the average adult’s daily vitamin C needs 66%. And it’s super easy to eat, one mouthful after you wash it!

The fruit —

Winter jujube: vitamin C content is quite considerable, 243 mg /100 grams, this amount, even if only eat two or three winter jujube, can meet the daily vitamin C needs. However, winter dates are high in calories, if you want to lose weight, don’t eat too much.

Kiwi fruit: The sour and sweet taste of kiwi fruit vitamin C content is excellent, 62mg/100g. Although it is not as good as winter jujube, eating 1 to 2 a day can almost meet the needs of vitamin C for a day, and the price is not expensive.

Strawberries: The vitamin C content of strawberries is as high as 47 mg /100 grams, the VC content is close to twice that of grapes, and strawberries are low-calorie, low-GI fruits, which are suitable for small partners who need to lose weight and control sugar.

Orange: Vitamin C content is 53.2 mg /100 grams, eating 1 to 2 fresh oranges can meet the daily vitamin C needs of the general population, but oranges are also rich in beta-carotene, eating too much will become minions, but it is not harmful to health, as long as you stop ingestion for a few days to recover.

It can be seen from the above that the vitamin C content of sweet pepper, color pepper, cabbage and kale in vegetables is higher than that of kiwi, strawberry, orange and other fruits under the same weight. The public can expand the range of ingredients in choosing supplements, pay attention to nutrition, and scientifically understand more nutritious ingredients.

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