What Are the Reasons Behind the Increase in Heart Attacks?

Like heart disease is also common heart disease collectively, common coronary heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, myocarditis and so on, and gradually like some heart diseases, the incidence is relatively high, a serious threat to personal health.

And this is also related to bad daily behaviors and habits. Nowadays, many people die because of heart disease, so we should pay attention to active maintenance.

Heart attack risk time:

  1. Morning: The risk of heart attack is usually highest in the morning. This may be because hormone levels fluctuate during the morning, and these hormones can affect heart function.
  2. At night: Heart attacks also increase during nighttime sleep. This may be due to the increased stress on the heart during the night when the body is relaxed.
  3. When you exercise vigorously: When you exercise vigorously, your heart is also stressed, which increases your risk of a heart attack.
  4. High Temperature seasons: Sudden temperature changes, especially during the cold winter months, can raise blood pressure and increase blood viscosity, which can increase the risk of heart attack.
  5. Emotional: Emotional, the heart will also increase the load, prone to heart attack.

Before a heart attack, there may be 6 signs, it is recommended to know early!

  1. Chest pain or discomfort: The most common symptoms of a heart attack are chest soreness, pressure or tightness. It can also be an uncomfortable or painful sensation, such as a heavy weight being placed on your chest. The symptoms last for a few minutes and then go away.
  2. Difficulty breathing: When cardiovascular problems occur, the body needs more oxygen to maintain normal physiological conditions, which can easily cause difficulty breathing.
  3. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea: Some early symptoms of a heart attack include nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, which is usually due to the interaction between the nervous and digestive systems caused by the heart attack.
  4. Sweating, fatigue, insomnia: In the event of a heart attack, the body will undergo a number of physiological responses, including sweating, fatigue, or insomnia.
  5. Dizziness and dizziness: Conditions such as anemia and low blood pressure due to heart disease or vascular disease may cause symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness.
  6. Anxiety, restlessness: Some of the symptoms that precede a heart attack include anxiety, restlessness or fear. These conditions are often accompanied by pain or discomfort.

Therefore, there will be some abnormal phenomena in the body before the attack of heart disease. I hope you don’t take it seriously, so as not to aggravate the condition and affect your health. And now more and more heart disease, is also closely related to the following points, the director of internal medicine suggests, or as early as possible to avoid these causes

Why are heart attacks on the Rise? Chief of Internal Medicine: These three things, I advise you not to make mistakes again
Number one: Smoking or second-hand smoke

Nowadays, more and more people are also infected with the malignancy of smoking. However, if smoking for a long time, it is not conducive to the health of various organs, it is easy to lead to the damage of lung function, induce lung diseases, and also increase the risk of heart disease.

Not only that, long-term exposure to second-hand smoke will stimulate respiratory tract damage, affect blood circulation, lead to great damage to blood vessels, increase the incidence of heart disease by 25%~30%, so it is also crucial to quit smoking in time.

Second: overwork, mental stress

Nowadays, the pace of life is relatively fast, and people’s pressure is also increasing, especially for some people with coronary heart disease or other chronic diseases, long-term in the mental pressure is too much, or excessive fatigue, often stay up late, will also lead to blood vessels damaged.

This can increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems, so the chief of medicine recommends that life also focus on relieving personal stress and focusing on taking breaks.

Third: high fat, high salt diet, overweight

Even a poor diet can wreak havoc on blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks. For example, regular consumption of foods high in oil and salt will lead to elevated blood pressure and lipids, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

In addition, long-term consumption of this kind of food will also cause obesity, slow down the basic metabolism and fat accumulation, which will increase the chance of three diseases and heart disease. Therefore, we should pay attention to reasonable diet and control personal weight.

To detect heart disease early, don’t ignore these four tests

  1. Electrocardiogram examination: electrocardiogram is used to record the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes, so as to determine the rhythm and speed of the heartbeat and whether there are myocardial ischemia and other problems.
  2. Blood pressure check: Blood pressure reflects the pressure of blood in the blood vessels and is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Check blood pressure, can detect hypertension in time, take corresponding treatment measures.
  3. Blood lipid tests: Dyslipidemia is another major risk factor for heart disease. Checking blood lipid levels, early detection of abnormalities and intervention with diet adjustment, appropriate exercise and medication can help effectively prevent the occurrence of heart disease.
  4. Echocardiography: Echocardiography can examine the size, shape, function and blood flow between several chambers of the heart, etc., which is a commonly used method for diagnosing heart disease.

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