Are Osteoporosis and Hyperosteogeny “Twin Diseases”?

Osteoporosis is a systemic disease characterized by low bone mass, destruction of bone microstructure, increase of bone fragility and easy fracture.
In the process of bone metabolism, a certain amount of bone tissue is dissolved and absorbed every day, and a certain amount of bone tissue is formed. The balance between bone absorption and bone formation maintains the stability of bone. With the growth of human age, due to lack of exercise, less sunshine, malnutrition, smoking and drinking, and the decline of sex hormone (such as estrogen, androgen, etc.), calcium absorption decreases, bone formation is less than bone absorption, and bone tissue will become thinner, thinner and even broken, just like a complete wood, which is full of holes by termites, In case of slight collision, fracture will occur.
Hyperosteogeny, also known as proliferative osteoarthritis, is caused by the mechanical stimulation of bone spur on soft tissue and the injury, bleeding and swelling of soft tissue after trauma. It is a common degenerative disease in human body, and also a common chronic disease in clinic. It mostly occurs in the middle-aged and elderly people. The neck, waist, knee joint, heel and other parts of the human body with heavy load and more activities, with the growth of age, due to the decline of muscle strength, joint ligament relaxation, articular cartilage aging, cause joint instability, or young adults due to long-term intense activities and excessive physical exercise, cause ligament muscle bone attachment point damage, This kind of chronic wear and tear will be repaired spontaneously in human body, resulting in hyperosteogeny, which is often called “bone spur”.
Osteoporosis is characterized by low back pain or general bone pain, and may be accompanied by muscle spasm, height shortening and hunchback, spinal deformity and limited extension. In severe cases, brittle fracture of vertebral body and hip may occur. However, many patients often have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, and often find osteoporosis only after fracture. Therefore, osteoporosis is also known as the “silent killer”.
There was no abnormality in the appearance of mild hyperosteogeny, but only pain in the rigid movement of the joint. With the continuation of the activity, the pain could be gradually alleviated and disappeared. If the condition worsens, there will be joint swelling, effusion, and even deformation, with the aggravation of pain, joint activity is limited, leading to osteoarthritis.
Why is osteoporosis easy to be accompanied by osteoporosis?
Sometimes, osteoporosis is compensated by the body. After the occurrence of osteoporosis, articular cartilage will become uneven. When under pressure, the force distribution on the cartilage surface is uneven, which is easy to cause damage. And the repair of injury is often manifested as local hyperplasia, so osteoporosis and bone hyperplasia, sometimes a melon on the same vine, often coexist, may occur in the same person.
The treatment of osteoporosis is not simply calcium, but according to the condition, choose basic treatment or drug treatment. For the people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, it is necessary to take basic treatment and drug treatment to control.
Basic treatment is mainly to supplement calcium and vitamin D. At present, western medicine for the treatment of osteoporosis can be roughly divided into three categories: one is drugs that inhibit the activity of osteoclasts, such as bisphosphonates (Fosamax, miguda, etc.), which can reduce the rate of bone metabolism and the loss of calcium by inhibiting the activity of osteoclasts. The second is the drugs that enhance the activity of osteoblasts, such as parathyroid analogues (such as tripatide), which can improve the activity of osteoblasts to achieve the purpose of treatment. The third kind of drugs with the above dual effects, such as active vitamin D and so on.
As long as bone hyperplasia does not cause pathological changes, it can coexist peacefully with it. If it causes pain and numbness, it should be treated, mainly to control its development, eliminate inflammation, promote the healing of damaged tissue, relieve pain and so on. Drug treatment is mainly symptomatic treatment, including oral analgesic drugs, external analgesic plaster. In addition, cartilage protective drugs such as glucosamine sulfate can also be used.
Can osteoporosis patients take calcium tablets to aggravate osteoporosis?
No, for the people with osteoporosis and local osteoporosis, under the guidance of doctors, the correct use of calcium, active treatment of osteoporosis, not only will not aggravate osteoporosis, but is beneficial to it.
Clinical studies have found that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of osteoporosis often has half the effect. Osteoporosis is called “bone withering, bone wilting, bone arthralgia” in traditional Chinese medicine. We can understand the pathogenesis of osteoporosis from the aspects of liver and kidney yin deficiency, spleen and kidney yang deficiency, kidney deficiency and blood stasis. By nourishing liver and kidney, warming kidney yang, supplementing qi and blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, we can not only significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients, but also improve bone density, increase bone strength and prevent the occurrence of brittle fracture.
Hyperosteogeny belongs to the category of “bone arthralgia” in traditional Chinese medicine, which holds that “liver governs tendons” and “kidney governs bone”. Tendons and bones are closely related to the liver and kidney. The liver is mainly used to store blood, and the liver blood filling can make tendons have sufficient nourishment. Liver and kidney function gradually decline with the growth of age, flexion and extension is not good, vulnerable to trauma and cold and dampness invasion, numbness, pain and other symptoms of bone hyperplasia. Kidney essence deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency, bone dystrophy, exogenous pathogens invade the body, blocking the meridians, Qi and blood operation is not smooth. The treatment includes tonifying liver and kidney, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, dispelling wind, removing dampness, dispersing cold and so on.
Therefore, osteoporosis and osteoporosis have something in common in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Taking traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of osteoporosis also has a positive therapeutic effect on osteoporosis.

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