How Should Children Scientifically Supplement with Vitamins? Do They Need Vitamin Supplements?

Vitamins are one
The body needs for nutrition and growth
Organic compounds,
Is the human body conditioning function
And normal metabolic processes
Essential substance.

Now there are more and more parents
The awareness of vitamins continues to improve,
Always worrying about the kids
Lack of various vitamins,
Always give your baby
Oral vitamin supplements,
Does this make sense?
On this Children’s Day,

Pediatric expert of the first hospital of China Medical University
Tell you about it.
First, we need to know that there are two types of vitamins: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.
Among them, fat soluble vitamins mainly include vitamin A(carotene), D, E, K, etc. 4, water soluble vitamins mainly include B vitamins (vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B11, B12, choline, vitamin H) and vitamin C, etc. 10.

The Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and are not easily excreted, so if you take too much of them, you can get toxic.
Unlike the water-soluble vitamins, there are fewer of them in the body and most of them are excreted in the urine, so they are almost non-toxic and are less likely to cause poisoning if consumed in high doses.
So when we supplement fat soluble vitamins, we must be alert to the toxic phenomenon caused by drug overdose!

Most vitamins are
You can get it through your diet.

If you are deficient in vitamins,
What diseases do they cause?
How do we add to that?
From what foods do you get it?

Vitamin A
It has the function of maintaining vision and promoting growth and development.
Vitamin A deficiency, which causes what’s known as night blindness, dry eyes, dry skin and hair follicle papules, can also cause developmental disorders in children, recurrent respiratory infections, diarrhoea and anemia.
Vitamin A deficiency usually does not occur if animal foods rich in vitamin A (such as milk, eggs, liver, etc.) or dark green vegetables or yellow-red fruits are regularly consumed in our daily life. Therefore, oral vitamin A supplements are not normally required for children.

Vitamin D
It has the function of promoting calcium absorption and helping bone formation.
Rickets of vitamin Ddeficiency is a familiar disease to parents, mainly in infants and young children.
With the continuous science popularization of health education, people’s cognition of vitamin D is constantly improving, and parents are also paying more and more attention to vitamin D supplement.
However, we may have overlooked one of the simplest, effective and economical ways to get vitamin D, that is, “sun exposure”. As long as you make sure to bathe in the sun for 1-2 hours a day, you can get enough vitamin D with comfort and no damage to your skin.
For infants, breastfeeding, outdoor activities, 1-2 hours a day, and vitamin D400IU from the first 2 weeks after birth to the age of 2 years should be advocated. Additional vitamin D supplementation is not necessary if infants take more than 500ml formula milk daily (providing 200IU of vitamin D), together with appropriate outdoor activities.
For premature infants, low birth weight infants and twins with multiple fetuses, vitamin D800-1000IU/d should be given immediately after birth, and 400IU/d after 3 months to 2 years of age.
In clinical work, we often find that some infants will appear such as hyperhidrosis, night terrors, night crow, irritability, and occult alopecia, which is the initial manifestation of vitamin D deficiency. At this time, oral vitamin D1000-2000IU/ D is required, and it is changed to 400IU/ D after 1 month.
If the skeletal system changes such as “square skull, late eething, chicken breast, O-leg and X-leg” begin to appear, then this is the extreme stage of vitamin D deficiency. Combined with the laboratory indicators, oral vitamin D3000-4000IU/ D should be taken in the middle stage, and 5000-6000IU/ D should be taken in the severe stage. After 1 month, it should be changed to 400IU/ D.
In fact, in clinical work will find that many parents give their babies vitamin D supplements, but why also appear above symptoms?
There are many reasons for this, and the most common one is that the supplement dose is insufficient. Therefore, in this case, we should go to the hospital in time to test the blood 25- (OH) -D and give adequate treatment.

Is it after 2
You don’t need vitamin D?
Of course not!

When children are growing faster, do not get outdoors and do not get enough sunlight, they should be given oral doses of vitamin D depending on their symptoms and test results.

Vitamin E
It has the function of delaying cell senescence, desalinating scar, diuresis and lowering blood pressure, preventing premature birth and abortion.
Vitamin E deficiency in infants, especially premature infants, often leads to brain dysfunction and retinopathy.
Daily diet such as vegetable oil, oily seeds and malt, nuts and egg yolk are rich in vitamin E, so the general children are not easy to lack, but the activity of vitamin E is significantly reduced when frying, try to let the baby away from fried food!
Vitamin K
It has a coagulant effect.
Vitamin K deficiency can cause natural bleeding, intracranial bleeding.
There are no bacteria in the intestines of newborns after birth, so newborns may suffer from vitamin K deficiency. Usually pregnant women need to inject vitamin K and give their newborns vitamin K1 supplements. 1-5mg a day can prevent neonatal vitamin K deficiency.
Foods, especially green vegetables, contain vitamin K, as do animal liver and soy.
Vitamin B1
It has the function of promoting carbohydrate metabolism, protecting nervous system and skeletal muscle system, enhancing appetite and healthy development of human body.
Beriberi is a systemic disease caused by long-term deficiency of vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) in the body. Clinically, it is characterized by symptoms of the nervous system, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, which is more common in areas where white rice is the staple food.
Children in the daily diet to ensure that eggs, milk and meat and other vitamin B1 rich food intake can be prevented.
Vitamin B2
That is, riboflavin, vitamin B2 deficiency, also known as riboflavin deficiency, with tongue, lip, mouth, external genitalia and other skin mucosal lesions are characterized, such as keratitis, lip inflammation, glossitis, vasoproliferative conjunctivitis, seborrheic dermatitis.
What food contains rich vitamin B2?
Animal liver, kidney, heart, egg yolk, milk, beans and green leafy vegetables contain more vitamin B2 than roots and cucumbers and eggplants, which shows how important a balanced diet for children is!
Vitamin B6
It has the function of regulating nerve and participating in the formation of antibodies.
Vitamin B6 deficiency is mainly manifested as refractory convulsions, peripheral neuritis, dermatitis and small cell anemia.
The best source of daily vitamin B6 supplement is animal food such as butter, eggs, liver and other animal offal;
Banana, persimmon, orange, peach and other fruits contain a relatively rich amount.
Vitamin B12
Cobalamin, also known as cobalamin, prevents anemia, improves the nervous system, enhances memory and balance.
Children can obtain vitamin B12 from foods containing animal liver, kidney, beef, pork, chicken, fish, clams, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products, fermented bean curd, etc.
Vitamin C
It can accelerate wound healing, especially scald and knife wounds, and help to absorb iron. It can also lower cholesterol, prevent bacterial infection, stop diarrhea and cure colds.
Scurvy is a peripheral disease characterized by extensive bleeding of the gums, skin and even the whole body caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency.
Vitamin C is not normally synthesized by the body and can be obtained from the diet of citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, unprocessed meat, breast milk and milk.
Folic acid
Also known as vitamin B9, vitamin M, vitamin BC.
Folate deficiency is mainly manifested by megaloblastic anemia, but also accompanied by irritability, long-term diarrhea, growth retardation and other symptoms.
Folic acid is found in all foods that contain vitamin C, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, so it is usually not necessary to take supplements.
Folic acid supplementation is not necessary if the diet is comprehensive and rich in animal and plant protein and various vitamins and inorganic salts (such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc.).
It is worth mentioning that kiwi fruit contains up to 8% folic acid, a natural folic acid reputation, often eat to help prevent fetal birth defects and congenital heart disease.

To sum up,
If children in daily life
Being able to eat a balanced diet,
So most vitamins
There will be no shortage of phenomena,
There is no need for oral supplements.
Of course,
Parents need to remember
Vitamin D is an exception,
It needs to
Rely on light and supplements.

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