What are the symptoms of asthma

Asthma is a common disease that may strike at night and early in the morning, with intermittent onset.
The incidence of asthma is high, with a rate of 0.5-2.0% in China. Most of the patients are children or adolescents, and the onset season is autumn and winter.
What are the symptoms of asthma, the following experts for you to introduce.

Asthma symptoms

Warning symptoms: strenuous exercise, mental trauma, climate change will induce this disease, the onset of patients will appear dry throat, cough, wheezing clinical symptoms.
If the patient is infected asthma, there will be itching, sneezing, runny nose symptoms.

  1. Typical symptoms: the typical attack of asthma has a sudden paroxysmal exhalation mainly high dyspnea.
    Patients sitting breathing, cold sweat dripping;
    Both lungs can be heard wheezing, prolonged breathing, emphysema signs.
    Severe patients can hear wheezing in their lungs without an earpiece.
    The typical attack is more common at night. When the attack is about to stop, the patient can cough with a large amount of 100 mucous sputum coughed out.
    After coughing up white mucous sputum, dyspnea can be relieved, and the condition can be quickly controlled and returned to normal.
  2. Nighttime Asthma: During the night, asthma symptoms can become significantly worse.
    Besides reclining and bedside allergens, the mechanism of nocturnal asthma attack is obviously related to nocturnal sleep.
    Attention should be paid to sleep-induced breathing disorders.
    Sleep is not a contributing factor, but it is an important one.

Treatment of asthma

Know what the symptoms of asthma are and treat them early if they appear.
There are many ways to treat asthma, such as drug therapy, desensitization therapy, vaccine therapy, etc.
The goal of treatment is to alleviate symptoms, prevent recurrent attacks of the disease, and avoid reaction to drugs.
To alleviate symptoms, patients may inhale beta-2 agonists or hormones.
If the disease is severe, intensive treatment may be considered.
High doses of hormones should be given before treatment and then reduced after symptom relief.

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