New British Variant: Twelve Countries Announce Emergency Response Measures

The latest who real-time statistics show that as of 0:34 Beijing time on December 21, there have been 75110,651 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and 1680,395 deaths.
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world reached 808,224 on Tuesday, the highest number of new cases in a single day since the outbreak began.

On December 20 local time, the Department of Health and Social Care announced that there had been 35,928 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the UK in the past 24 hours.
Currently, 265 people in the UK per 100,000 population have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
The novel Coronavirus is related to the novel coronavirus.

UK says virus spread out of Control as crowds flee London

A mutation of a novel Coronavirus is spreading faster in London and southeast England than the original found virus, the UK government said.
The British Health Secretary, Mr Thomas Hancock, said on The 20th that the mutation Coronavirus epidemic had got out of hand.

On December 19 local time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that London, southeast England and the East of England will be raised from the current level 3 level of prevention and control to the highest level of four for two weeks from December 20.

About 16.4 million people, or about a third of England’s population, are currently at level 4.
At this level, “non-essential” retail stores, entertainment facilities and fitness centers will be closed.
Except in a few cases, such as buying daily necessities, people should stay at home as much as possible. People are not allowed to gather with people other than their families except for special reasons. People are not allowed to enter or leave areas where level 4 prevention and control is applied.

Schematic diagram of Epidemic prevention level in Britain, the darkest area is level 4 lockdown area, mainly in London and surrounding cities.

In London, people rushed to the railway station Wednesday night to flee the capital ahead of the British government’s decision to raise the level of prevention and control.

△ Sign on the Border with England: “Wales has closed and gone Home to You!”

One person posted on social media that the train leaving London that night was “full” and “hard to get a ticket”.
Hancock on Tuesday criticised those “rushing out of London” as “irresponsible”.

Who: Confirmed cases related to mutation Coronavirus have been confirmed in many countries

The WORLD Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe confirmed on Wednesday that at least three countries outside the UK have found confirmed cases related to the novel Coronavirus. Among them, 9 cases appeared in Denmark, 1 case each in the Netherlands and 1 case each in Australia.
Who calls on countries in the European region to tighten their epidemic prevention measures and countries around the world to step up screening sequencing on coronavirus and timely notification of relevant information.

Who also said, attention has been paid to the “early signs” Britain began to appear in September the mutation will be coronavirus “spread faster from person to person”, and some could affect the accuracy of diagnostic tests, but there is no evidence that the mutation of fatality rate higher, or can lead to more serious symptoms.

A number of countries are urgently announcing their response measures

Novel Coronavirus new variety in response to novel Coronavirus has been urgently announced by many countries to close their borders and cancel flights to and from the UK.

S in the Netherlands,

The Dutch government has banned flights from the UK from December 20 until January 1, local time.
The Netherlands earlier this month found the same strain in a sample of a COVID-19 case as the UK.

S Belgium

On December 20, local time, Belgian Prime Minister Deklow announced that from that day on, the border between Belgium and the UK will be temporarily closed.
The border closure will last for at least 24 hours, starting at midnight on Sunday, and flights and Eurostar trains between the two countries will be suspended.

S Italy

On December 20 local time, Italian Foreign Minister Di Maio said that after informing the British government, the Italian government will sign the relevant decree to stop all flights to and from the UK.

S French

France has banned flights, trains and ferries from the UK for 48 hours from midnight on December 20, transport minister Jean-Baptiste Jebali said on Monday.

French media quoted the Elysee Palace, the French presidential palace, said that as soon as 22 days from the Return of the British holiday in France will be tested for virus.

S Spanish

Spain will step up nucleic acid tests at its airports and ports for people arriving from the UK, the government said in a statement on Monday.
Currently, Spain requires travellers from countries or regions at high risk of COVID-19 to show negative COVID-19 tests within the past 72 hours, but the Spanish government will not close its border with the UK for the time being.

S Kuwait

On December 20 local time, Kuwait’s civil aviation authority issued a statement, saying that after coordination with the health authorities, the civil aviation authority of Kuwait decided to suspend the flights from Kuwait to the UK and put the UK on the list of countries at high risk of the outbreak.
Kuwait was also the first Arab country to declare a no-fly zone over Britain.

△ Kuwait Airport

S Austria

Austria plans to ban flights from the UK from landing in the country on December 20 local time, according to Austrian state broadcaster NTT.

The Austrian Ministry of Health stresses that British travellers arriving in the country must undergo a 10-day isolation. If a novel Coronavirus test results negative after 5 days of isolation can be released.

S Portugal

On December 20, local time, the Portuguese government announced that starting from 0:00 on December 21, passengers holding Portuguese nationality or residence permit will only be allowed to enter Portugal from the United Kingdom, and they must present the novel Coronavirus test negative upon arrival.
On arrival, passengers unable to produce a negative test must have a novel Coronavirus test performed by a specialist at the airport and quarantined under the guidance of the Health Department.

S Turkey

Turkey will suspend commercial flights to and from the UK, The Netherlands, Denmark and South Africa until further notice, the Turkish Civil Aviation Authority announced on December 20 local time.

S Swiss

Switzerland has suspended air traffic with the UK and South Africa from midnight until further notice, the Federal Civil Aviation Authority announced on Monday.

S Greek

The Greek Ministry of Civil Protection announced on December 20 that from 6:00 am on December 21, all people from the UK entering Greece will have to be quarantined for 7 days.
People from other countries will still have to abide by the original rules, which force them to be quarantined for three days after entering Greece.

Baggage claim Hall at Athens International Airport

■ Bulgaria

On December 20 local time, Bulgarian Health Minister Andrei Angelov announced that all persons from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, including Bulgarians, must be quarantined for 10 days after entering Bulgaria.

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