WHO Sounds Alarm Again After Outbreaks Resurge in Many Countries

As the covid-19 epidemic continues to stabilize, many countries have gradually lifted quarantine restrictions and eased some quarantine restrictions.
In the United States, with the coming of public holidays, people are flocking to the beach to enjoy the sun.
In France, empty streets are once again bustling, with people lining up to buy at perfumed bakeries.

At the same time, the pace of resumption of work and production is also accelerating.
Although the lifting of the blockade under the “new normal” is crucial to the economic well-being of many countries and regions, many countries reported a rebound in infection rates after the lifting of the blockade.
In response, the who warned that a second wave or peak could strike at any time, lifting the restrictions too quickly or causing the outbreak to rebound.

Vehicles on the champs-elysees in Paris, France, after the closure was gradually lifted on May 11, local time.
Photo credit: xinhuanet

Many countries are gradually lifting quarantine measures and boosting their economies

More than 1.87 million people have been infected in Europe since the outbreak began.
European countries that have survived the first wave of the epidemic have lifted their lockdowns in stages.
Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Greece were careful to impose sanctions in April.
Since may, more European countries hard hit by the outbreak, such as France, Spain and Italy, have begun to ease travel restrictions.

On May 11, French citizens who had ended an eight-week lockdown were able to go out for the first time without having to fill out an application, the BBC reported.
Other shops, leisure centers, barbershops, clothing shops, flower shops and bookstores have reopened, but cafes, restaurants, theaters and movie theaters remain closed.
French citizens, who had finally come out of their homes to celebrate the opening of the ban, rushed out of their homes as police chased away people who had been drinking on the Banks of the Seine in violation of social distancing rules.

Spain has been in the four stages of unsealing the epidemic since May 4, but in the more severely affected regions, such as Madrid and Barcelona, it has been unsealed since May 25.
People can buy drinks on the terrace, but the bar and restaurant will not be fully open until June 10, with capacity limited to 50 per cent, in addition to strict social isolation rules.
Cinemas, theatres and exhibition halls will open on May 26, but customer capacity needs to be limited to 30 per cent.
From July 1, entry into Spain will no longer require a 14-day quarantine.
Schools will not reopen fully until September.

Italy, once the worst affected country in Europe, imposed a more stringent and lengthy lockdown.
People were once banned from walking and exercising 200 metres from their homes.
In early may, restrictions were eased to allow people to visit relatives in smaller groups.
The bar and restaurant will reopen on May 18, but the tables will be separated from each other and separated by plastic plates.
Barbershops, shops, museums and libraries reopened on May 18.
But as in Spain, schools will not reopen until September.

Even Russia, which has one of Europe’s highest infection rates, has joined the ranks, with President vladimir putin announcing that the lockdown will be lifted on May 12th and workers will be allowed to return to work to prevent unemployment from rising further.

In Asia, Philippine officials say the lockdown has slowed the spread of the disease, but has cost 2.6 million people their jobs during the lockdown.
Thus, even with 539 new confirmed cases on 28 May, the Philippines opted for a gradual easing of the blockade.

After the release of the second wave of infection rate rebound epidemic worries emerged

As the ban has been gradually lifted and people have become more lax in their awareness of the epidemic, some countries have seen a rebound in infection rates.

In Germany, the outbreak bounced back rapidly after the release of the ban, with many outbreaks of collective infection and frantic “hitting the brakes” everywhere.
On May 6, German chancellor Angela merkel announced a gradual lifting of the lockdown, but people took to the streets to protest in hopes of a full lifting of the lockdown, according to the guardian.
A church service in Frankfurt on May 10 has infected about 200 people, German media reported Monday.
Local media cited a report that some worshippers did not wear masks as required.

In South Korea, according to South Korea central epidemic prevention countermeasures department of the ministry of May 26 notification, South Korea Seoul ri tai hospital nightclub cumulative cases of 255 cases, had to go to the club of a training class teacher conceal their occupation and activity track, causing novel coronavirus spread spread for many times, resulting in 51 people infected, a family of five in the stroke.
Kwon jun-yu, deputy head of the south Korean central government’s anti-epidemic response department, said the number of infected people was still increasing, and he urged the public to unite and remain vigilant.

In late January and early February, Singapore was considered a “model” for fighting the epidemic.
On March 29th only 844 people were infected in Singapore. Just two months later, the number was nearly 40-fold.
CNN reported that the secondary in Singapore outbreak related to low-income migrant workers, most of them are from south and southeast Asia countries, living in the dormitory of the crowded, usually not enough health, and the management of dormitory is the government of Singapore in the outbreak of a blind spot, Singapore has to pay a high price should be against the epidemic situation backwards.

The who has warned that a renewed outbreak should be prepared for a protracted battle

Although the number of covid-19 cases is decreasing in many countries, the number of cases is still increasing in Latin America, South Asia and Africa.
In fact, it is not the first time in history that countries around the world are engaged in a protracted war against the epidemic.

In the video released by the BBC on May 22, the possibility of a second outbreak of covid-19 was analyzed from both historical and practical perspectives.
Historically, the black death in the middle ages, the bubonic plague in London in 1665, the Spanish flu in 1918, and swine flu have all made a comeback.
Of course, humans have also defeated SARS and MERS through scientific means and successfully prevented their secondary outbreaks, but no two viruses are exactly the same.

In addition to the historical perspective, consider the following factors: first, the infection rate R value, when R < 1, the infectious disease will eventually die out, when R < 1, the infectious disease will continue to exist and expand, which is why it is necessary to maintain social distance and close contact tracing;
The second is how long immunity to the virus lasts;
Moreover, experts have warned that covid-19 is likely to return this winter, with seasonal variations in the spread of the virus, and they are watching closely to see if the virus mutates.

On May 25, Michael Ryan, head of who’s health emergency program, said that global pandemics usually last several waves, and we should be aware that the rate of covid-19 infection can rise suddenly at any time. We cannot assume that it continues to decline, and we still have a few months to prepare for a second wave.
He also warned that the arrival of a second wave or peak could overlap with the flu season, when containment would be “more complex”.

At present, China has achieved initial success in its fight against the epidemic.
But zhong warned that China should not be complacent, as the risk of a second wave of the epidemic remains high.
“The majority of Chinese people are still susceptible to novel coronavirus since they have not yet been immunized.”

Will the outbreak resume this time?
It’s hard to know for sure.
In response to the outbreak, the use of masks and social distancing may become the norm.
Prepare for a rainy day and continue to take precautions. No society should relax now.

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