
Chemical name: (17β)-3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl heptanoate
Formula: C26H40O3
Anabolic activity index: 100% (reference drug)
Androgenic activity index: 100% (reference drug)


Enantat 400 is a popular anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders and athletes to promote muscle growth and enhance athletic performance. The drug’s active half-life is 5 to 7 days, making it a long-acting steroid that provides sustained effects.

The active substance in Enantat 400 is Testosterone Enanthate, which is a testosterone ester that is highly effective in promoting muscle growth and strength. It is classified as an anabolic steroid and is commonly used by those looking to improve their physique or athletic performance.

Enantat 400 comes in the form of a 10 mL vial, with each milliliter containing 400 mg of the active substance. The recommended dosage for men ranges from 300 mg to 1500 mg per week, depending on the user’s goals, tolerance, and experience level.

While Enantat 400 has a wide range of benefits, it does have a few potential side effects that users should be aware of. One of these side effects is the development of acne, which can occur due to an increase in sebum production.

Water retention is another potential side effect of Enantat 400. This occurs when the steroid increases the amount of fluid retained in the body, which can lead to a bloated appearance. However, this side effect is usually temporary and goes away once the steroid cycle is complete.

The likelihood of experiencing aromatization is another possible side effect of Enantat 400. Aromatization occurs when testosterone is converted into estrogen in the body. This can lead to estrogenic side effects, such as the development of gynecomastia in males.

Enantat 400 also has a HBR (Hair Baldness Risk) rating, which may be of concern for people with a family history of baldness. However, this risk is relatively low and is generally dependent on genetics.

One of the major benefits of Enantat 400 is that it has a low risk of causing liver damage. Unlike some other anabolic steroids, Enantat 400 is not hepatotoxic and is considered relatively safe in this regard.

Dragon Pharma is the company responsible for producing Enantat 400. They are a reputable pharmaceutical company known for producing high-quality products, so users can trust that the steroid is of good quality.

In conclusion, Enantat 400 is a long-acting anabolic steroid that is highly effective in promoting muscle growth and strength. While it has a few potential side effects such as acne, water retention, and aromatization, it has a low risk of causing liver damage. The recommended dosage for men ranges from 300 mg to 1500 mg per week, depending on the individual’s goals and tolerance level. Always make sure to consult with a medical professional before starting any steroid cycle to ensure the safest use possible.


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