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Are More Vitamins Better?

Due to the reduced exposure to sunlight and decreased outdoor activities during winter, the risk [...]

Do Painkillers Stop The Pain?

Ibuprofen, during the COVID-19 pandemic, has become a fever-reducing analgesic for many. It is generally [...]

Effective Guidelines for Optimal Painkiller Use

What are the proper principles for the use of painkillers in order to maximize their [...]

Does more vitamin c improve immunity ?

Myth: Vitamin C is helpful in boosting immunity, and the more you take, the better. [...]

Can Cocoa Help Weight Loss?

As the summer solstice approaches, the temperature gradually rises. Many people want to lose weight [...]

Why Is My Rheumatoid Arthritis Worsening?

Rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that wreaks havoc on the joints, not only affects the patient’s [...]

Tilpotide: The Most Potent Weight-Loss Drug with Unique Insulin-Secreting Properties

Tirzepatide is a diabetes treatment developed by Eli Lilly and Company. It is a dual [...]

Five Signs That Your Immune System Might Be Compromised

Immunity is an important physiological function of human body. Once it is damaged, various diseases [...]

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