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Buy Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 Vaccine Online For Sale


Spikevax, also known as the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, uses mRNA technology to create a protein that triggers the immune system to fight off COVID-19. It is highly effective at preventing the virus and has been authorized for use in several countries for people aged 18 and over, and in some countries for those aged 12 and over. Vaccination with Spikevax is crucial for protection against the virus.



Brand Name: Spikevax
Generic Name: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Manufacturer: Moderna, Inc.

Spikevax (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) is a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine indicated for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The vaccine contains a small piece of the mRNA that provides instructions for the cells to make a protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The immune system recognizes this protein as foreign and produces antibodies against it. In this way, the vaccine trains the immune system to fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in case of future exposure.

Spikevax is indicated for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in individuals aged 18 and older.

Spikevax is given as an intramuscular injection in the upper arm by a healthcare professional. The vaccine is administered as a 2-dose series, 28 days apart. The vaccine should not be mixed with any other vaccine or medication in the same syringe or at the same injection site.

Storage Conditions:
Spikevax should be stored in a freezer between -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F). The vaccine can be stored in a refrigerator between 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) for up to 30 days before use. Once the vaccine is removed from the freezer or refrigerator, it should be used within 12 hours. The vaccine should be protected from light.

Mechanism of action:
Spikevax (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) contains a small piece of mRNA that provides instructions for the cells to make a protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The immune system recognizes this protein as foreign and produces antibodies against it. In this way, the vaccine trains the immune system to fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in case of future exposure.

– Individuals with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine should not receive Spikevax.
– The vaccine’s safety and effectiveness in pregnant or breastfeeding women have not been established.
– Individuals with weakened immune systems may have a reduced immune response to the vaccine.
– Inform the healthcare professional about any allergies, medical conditions, or medications before receiving the vaccine.

– Individuals with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine should not receive Spikevax.

Drug Interactions:
– The use of Spikevax with other vaccines or medications has not been studied. The vaccine should not be mixed with any other vaccine or medication in the same syringe or at the same injection site.

– The risk of overdose with Spikevax is minimal since the vaccine is administered by a healthcare professional as a two-dose series, 28 days apart.

Side effects:
– Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
– Fatigue
– Headache
– Muscle pain
– Chills
– Fever
– Nausea
– Swollen lymph nodes
– Joint pain
These side effects are usually mild to moderate and go away within a few days. Serious allergic reactions are rare but can occur. Individuals who experience any severe or unexpected symptoms after receiving the vaccine should seek medical attention right away.


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